Professional Photos for ActorsSelecting a Photographer
Not all photographers are the same. A portrait photographer is different from a photographer that specializes in commercial or theatrical headshots. When selecting a photographer please be sure that your photos are being done by a professional photographer that specializes in the different styles of actor headshots. They need to be expert in lighting and different looks that will help you get the best results. No glamor photos or touch ups (unless it’s to clear up pimple you had that day).
What a great photographer knows about actor headshots
- Gives appropriate direction for the right look, pose & expression – it’s all in the eyes
- Have excellent lighting for correct skin tone & remove harsh shadows
- Knows the different actor looks for commercial and theatrical shots
- Knows what outfits are best and color contrast
- Attention to details on hair, makeup & best way to wear or position your clothes
- Makes it a positive and fun environment to help you feel your best self and comfortable giving great natural looks
- And of course frames you well and in clear focus
Preparing for your photoshoot
- Show your face: No hats, bandana’s sunglasses, or hair over your face. We want to see what you look like. If you wear glasses take options with and without your glasses. A good photographer will have glasses without the actual glass in them so there is no light glare reflecting.
- Eyeline: Your eyeline is directly into camera and your face is facing the camera too. No side profile looks.
- Background: Clear blank background. A crisp white background is a great option
- It’s in the Eyes: Your eyes tell the story. If you have a half expression or your eyes are lifeless – don’t use these photos. Feel some kind of emotion be thinking of things that give you a different feeling during each take. Consider the clothing you are wearing too. This takes effort but will pay off.
- Practice: Spend some time practicing different looks in the mirror before your shoot to see what looks best.
- Clothing options: Do not wear clothing with brand labels, words, small patterns like checkards or overbearing bright colors. Consider clothing colors that contrast well with your skin tone. Some actors will shop for cheap finds at a thrift store to get the right combination. Be sure that your clothing is well pressed and not in need of repair and the colors are not faded. Baggy clothing is not flattering. Your clothing should not be distracting. Bascially your clothing should be appropriate for the look you’re portraying, well fitted and compliments your body. You should bring multiple option and clothing hung on a hanger to prevent from crinkling.
- Accessories: Remember to bring shoes that go with each outfit. This is for your full body shots. Bring light accessories to slightly dress up your appearance for certain looks. Minimal is best.
- Makeup and hair: Come prepared with light makeup and hair done. If you are going for more of a dramatic vibe for one of your looks then do this toward the end of your shoot. If you have longer hair consider alternative ways of wearing your hair up or down for different looks. Bring your makeup and hair accessories to the shoot along with a portable mirror.
- Changes to your look: If you have been wearing braces and you are getting them removed you will need new photos then. Same thing for any physical change like you cut your hair length or you dye it. If you’ve lost or gained weight this is another time to get new photos. You must always show yourself exactly how you look now. I can’t reiterate this enough.
What should be in your photography portfolio
Here are a couple of things that will help your agent get you cast and make things more efficient. Some of them may not apply to you depending on the types of productions you are interested in focusing on. The first two are the absolute minimum you should have.
- Commercial and/or Theatrical headshot: From the chest to the top of your head. Do not crop the top of your head off.
- 3 Quarter Length: From your knees up to the top of your head
- Full length: From your feet to the top of your head
- Hands: If you are thinking of commercial work then this is a must. Brands want to know what your hands look like because they often do closeups of your hands holding their product. You should take photos of the back of your hands in one photo and the palms of your hands in another.
- Althletic shots: This is highly requested. If you have a great althletic body then let it show. These shots are done is sportswear to show your physique.
- Family shots: Gosh, if you knew how much money is made in casting whole families for commercials, I know more people would do this. It can run in the tens of thousands depending on the usage and if it’s broadcast. Photos can be of willing partners, children, parents and children, grandparents and even your dog.
- Activity or skill based photos: If you have a special skill that you want to highlight, like you’re an equestrian rider, a rock climber, skateboarder, or snow skier then you can add photos like this to your portfolio as long as they are of a professional quality.
Side profiles: These are often done with your own camera against a blank wall, rather than from your photographer. Some productions will ask for full length profile photos and/or side profiles from the chest up. Side profiles are done standing side on and looking directly in front of you. Not standing to the side and facing forward…yes this actually happens. Only provide these when submitting for a production that is requesting them. They should be taken the day you do your self-tape
Consider different looks and moods that best expresses the type of actor you are. These can include, casual, office exec., character, comedic, serious, bubbly, rough, caring, beauty, militant, sincere etc… Who are you and what types of characters do you do well portraying?
I know a guy!
I’ve been around in the industry for a long time and I’ve seen a thing or two when it comes to professional photography for actors. Not all photographers are the same and not all are professional, as they claim to be. Alex Valente is by far one of the best actor and model photographers in the industy. He is based in Utah but he will travel to other States if there is a group of 10 people that would like professional actor shots done.
Alex Valente is an award-winning photographer who works with the US Talent Academy – launching hundreds of upcoming stars to kick-off their careers with clients such as Disney, Hallmark, ABC, CBS, HBO, Pottery Barn, DownEast, American Girl, iFit, Nordic Track for print campaigns, editorials, and corporate advertising imagery. He consistently gives actors the headshot that gets them booked on major motion pictures and ad campaigns. Alex’s goal is for you to walk away with headshots that change your life and improve your career!
Alex is an expert in shooting entertainers, models, actors, athletes, and singers of all ages. Alex’s background is in producing, directing, and digital media, so he knows that casting directors are looking for an authentic representation of talent. He stays up with current industry demands by seeking feedback with influential people including top talent agents, casting directors, production companies, advertising agencies, boutiques owners, and other clients.
During your shoot, he will provide celebrity styling, feedback on your castability, and career coaching including talking about your strengths, unique personality quirks, and tips to help you stand out to clients. When you shoot with Alex you will feel how much he really cares about his clients. Alex is fully invested in launching you worldwide and making your session the best experience it can be.

This shoot includes 2 commercial headshots:
Younger/older or Intellectual/Beauty
30 min | $199

This shoot includes up to 5 different looks: This package is recommended for talent that are signed under 2 categories with and agency
1 hour | $399

This shoot includes up to 10 different looks: This package is recommended for that are signed under 3 categories with an agency.
2 hours | $599

This shoot includes 2 family looks:
You get 200+ images from your shoot (not retouched)
1 hour | $499